Women Warmer on Facebook, Men So Grumpy

Women apparently are Facebook users warm. In the social media that they use words loving and polite. Instead the man on Facebook become grumpy. They are rude and as heartless.

This conclusion is expressed by a team of scientists who are members of The World Well-Being Project (WWBP), after they examined the language of the 65,000 Facebook users.

Research held by psychologists and computer aimed at finding differences in men and women express themselves in social media.

In the study, scientists developed an algorithm that can identify differences in the choice of words used men and women on Facebook.

"We found that women are more often call friends, family, and social life. While men more cursing, angry, argumentative use of language, and more talk about objects rather than human beings," said Margaret Kern, one of the researchers in the study.

Kern said that the algorithm could predict the gender of a Facebook user with an average accuracy of 90 percent.

"Our findings show that gender is a complex concept, liquid, and has many faces," he added.
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