Netflix Launches for Internet Connection Speed Test

Netflix Launches for Internet Connection Speed Test
Internet connection speed test using Liz07A Fuad Rizla

Netflix launched a web site by name that can be used to measure the speed of the internet connection. complement similar services already present first as Ookla Speedtest and nPerf, both of which are already present in the form of applications or websites.

tutorial for using the system is relatively easy and fast. Although, included in a web page, using a mobile connection, wi-fi, or even cable speed test will take place.

In this way (web is more simple than the Ookla Speedtest and nPerf. Indeed, it can be said to be reasonable because just testing the download speed only.

Other metrics such as upload speed and ping, and the reaction time between the connection and server, are not included in the results displayed. However, "kindly" by showing a link (back link) to belongs Ookla as a comparison.

"We all want the Internet faster, the better. But the speed of the Internet is highly variable and can be affected by other users on the network or congestion with your Internet service provider," said David Fullagar, Vice President of Architecture Content Delivery Netflix, in a post on his official blog , Friday (05/20/2016)., Fullagar said, is a new tool that consumers can use to a greater insight and control over their internet service.
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