Konami Feature Rich Design Robot Arm

James Young and a robotic arm made by Konami and Open Bionics (source: digitaltrends.com)

Konami is known as one of the world-renowned games developer. However, for this time was the Japanese company was also developing a robotic arm for people in need.

One was for James Young, a gamer who lost an arm in a traffic accident several years ago in London. Seeing the condition of Young, Konami cooperate with renowned robotics engineers develop a prosthetic arm for him.

Quoted from Digital Trends, Monday (23/05/2016), this development is not done by konami. The company took the designer Sophie De Olivier Barata to design a sleeve that is similar to one of the characters in the games Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain.

Konami and Open Bionics spent six months developing a robotic arm terrsebut, before it can actually be used by Young. Prosthetic arm is also connected directly to the shoulders Young.

Some additional sensors are also placed on the skin in the shoulder Area Young to detect movement and send signals through the arms and hands.

Muscle and tissue remaining on the shoulders also be connected directly to control the movement of the robotic arm.

Not only that, Young robotic arm is also equipped with some additional features. Open Bionics embed completeness flashlight, USB port for charging smartphones, laser, digital clock, and features a drone control.

Konami have deliberately designed the robotic arm in order to control the drone. So, Young does not require an additional controller when it will operate the drones.

Konami program named Phantom Limb project is expected to obtain medical approval from the UK for use of robotic organ for amputees.

On the other hand, the robotic arm has a weight that is not light. Even so, this can make a difference for its users.
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