These fruits Apparently Could Be 'Charger' Smartphone

Did you know, there are several types of fruit that can be used to charge a smartphone? Some types of the fruit of them are lemons, bananas, and apples.

Curious? Here's his review:

1. Bananas

In the world of physics bananas are known as alternative energy sources are not yet widely used. Energy value contained in it is a calorie. From each 100 gram banana contained 136 calories, if calculated, two-fold higher than apples.

In addition, bananas are rich in minerals such as potassium (potassium), magnesium, phosphorus, and iron. Potassium itself is a conductor of electricity which reacts with the sodium salt contained in a banana skin.

Therefore, if you see some videos featuring experimental charge your phone with bananas, may be it is not a hoax. Therefore, the contents of banana on top of it is proven to generate electrical energy.

2. Lemon or orange

Lemon or orange is an alternative electrolyte solution because they contain citric acid compounds. Therefore, lemon produce electricity.

A lemon called can generate voltages up to the 1 volt and can be increased if the amount of lemon added.

In addition, some other content in lemon or orange include vitamin C, amino acids, glukolisa, sulfur and vitamin B.

3. Apples

This fruit is used in addition to the current diet, can also generate electricity. What makes an apple can produce electricity? Apparently, Apple has a content of magnesium, potassium, flavonoids and vitamin C.

Such as bananas, potassium and acid in the apple that makes this fruit has the power. Thus, when there is a metal plate inserted in apples, there will be a chemical reaction that generates a weak electric current.

Unfortunately, compared to other fruits, apples content of electricity on the weakest.
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