How to protect FlashDisk of VIRUS with Free IMMUNIZATION

Just as the process of immunization in humans, there is a software that is able memperkebal FlashDisk your device from virus attacks. Typically, the virus infects FlashDisk perch and autorun.inf file in it. Software that we will use this time named USB Immunizer of BitDefender. The way it works is to protect the autorun.inf file in your FlashDisk make it more secure and not prone to be bothered by a virus.

How Protect FlashDisk of Virus by Immunization Guide

  • Download Bitdefender USB Immunizer here. Really really small and lightweight software.

Bitdefender USB Immunizer
Antivirus & Security by Bitdefender

  • If you've finished downloading, go directly to the program. Immunizer USB does not require the installation process. So portable software like that.

  • Once open, it looks like this. Now colokin FlashDisk you via the USB port on your computer or laptop.

  • USB stick Your name will appear and be detected. Because they have not been immunized, its red logo. You just click on the symbol of

  • Wait a minute during the immunization process runs.

  • After completion of the process of immunization, USB logo will be green. The sign, USB stick you have more immune from virus attacks.

  • You can also make arrangements so that the USB Immunizer runs automatically when a USB device is plugged in the computer or the laptop. The trick, click the icon serration above, then click on the icon on the right switch to ON.

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