Google Prepare Homemade VCR Daydream!

google prepare homemade VCR Daydream!

Google has licensed the design of the headset vritual reality (VR) Daydream on partner companies for the starting assignment. besides Google also has plans to create his own version headset.

So, it means that in addition to be made by a partner company, Google also will present its own version of the mix. And VR Daydream Google is likely will come in two versions.

Based on an excerpt from the page KompasTekno, Saturday (21/05/2016), "VR Headset is not only made by partner companies alone," says Head of VR Google, Clay Bavor in confirmation.

It was none other than one of strategy Google is doing to make the deployment of the device VR Daydrem more leverage and secure. If the device is a partner company made less marketable, Google still has a way to drive sales with a homemade version.

From the rise of the information circulated, Daydream VR This is the next generation of Cardboard, or cheap VR goggles made by Google. Daydream difference is designed to bring the remote controller disemati by various sensors, buttons and trackpad. Viewed from all the features that were taken, of course, is enough to prove that the VR Daydream is more complete than that only limited Cardboard container phones only.

To achieve that, the moment the giant company has set up several mobile products that will be ready for use by Daydream. Reportedly some vendors who will be involved in preparing for this device, such as LG, Samsung, HTC, LG and Xiaomi.

In addition, Google is also rumored to be pinned sort of special modes for its newest operating system, the Android N which is currently in preparation for the launch. The mode is said will contain home screen and Google applications designed specifically for VR devices.
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