10 Tips to Sell HP Used with High Prices

There are several types of mobile users, there is loyalty not replaceable using HP within their needs or the contents of the bag. There is also a 'handyman selingkuh'karna promo tempted by the new smartphone.
You certainly are both right? Surely you feel yourself selling smartphone it is tricky and it is definitely a loss. Count the amount of damages are considerable, not to mention the need to add some money to acquire a new smartphone.

10 Tips to Sell HP Used with High Prices

Most people do not understand how where ordinances sell relefan HP with prices high. Here are some tips you should know to minimize the loss in selling HP.

1. Clean the entire Body and Screen

Make your love mutually smartphone in a matter of months, certainly has kewajiab to care for it as good-good. Where the direct use case and anti-scratch on the screen when purchasing. When would be sold, open the case and scratch resistant and wipe the entire body. The result looks like new smartphone out of the store.

Obviously the view will determine the value of sales of smartphones, because the first thing that comes out of sight pebeli is smoothness smartphone. If you look like new, of course the selling price will be high.

2. Check Completeness Default

Smartphones are sold without boxes and accessories default, automatically the selling price will drop drastically as compared to the full. make sure you double check the completeness of accessories, charger and other congenital devices. So you can sell a complete HP in conditions, such as when you buy. if it is complete, the selling price certainly will not make you disappointed. If not complete, siasati by buying completeness missing or damaged with new ones.

3. Tata Organized 

Next store and pack all the equipment smartphone with a neat, if you can arrange to look like new. This is our strategy to be a smartphone can be sold at a reasonable price. The paradigm of a person in determining the price of an item is initially display. If when looking at first were not interested, then the price will be far from initial expectations.

4. Sell to People Near

If the condition is still very good smartphone and like new, you should first offer to a friend, neighbor, or relative. Usually the selling price could be higher.

5. Sell Online or to a store counter 

You know how bid if selling smartphone in the counter. And it is reasonable considering they will resell a smartphone that we sell and do not know when your smartphone sold back. Over time, of course, the price of the smartphone also began to decline. So we recommend just selling to the buyer immediately. If the item you are nice, of course the price is also good.

6. Create interesting a description and fascinating photos

If the decision was made to sell it online, make a detailed description smartphon conditions. Do not overdo let alone lie, write what is just. Complete also with interesting photographs from HP, the photo increasing the interest of prospective buyers.

If you do not need, find a fitting moment like when holidays like Eid or Christmas and New Year. On the feast of the holiday season, the demand for either new or used smartphones certainly increased. The more bidders enter, of course, you can select the offer with the highest price.

7. Love Fair Price

of course as a seller  we want to get a decent price for a smartphone that we wish to sell. Even so, you should also be aware of the pricing. Do not equate the price when buying new or even higher meunjang to be profitable, it will make prospective buyers lazy to read let alone to make a bid. the market price and give a reasonable and attractive prices in order to sell quickly.

8. Select Payment System

Generally there are 3 options of payment systems that you can choose, that COD (cash on delivery), a joint account or direct deposit. All three have their advantages and disadvantages of each. In short COD is the meeting of sellers and buyers to make sales / purchases directly by treaty agreed place. So make sure you specify the location of COD and time specified.

Excess COD transactions, money will be quickly accepted after the goods are purchased directly. On the other hand the buyer can see the shape and condition of the goods directly. The drawback COD potential buyers is limited only within the same region and should we have to be careful. Choose a location where COD is as safe as in a public place or a cafe, try not willing to deal on a side street let alone in a dark place.

9. Provide Security

If you believe the item you are selling is good, do not be afraid to give assurance. Eg 3x24 hours to guarantee the machine or consultation. Of course, potential buyers will feel more secure and comfortable, so that HP can be sold at high prices.

10. Do not Forget to Remove and Clean the Entire Data

Before doing all of the above tips, do not forget that the smartphone you're already in the factory reset. Make sure that no data is left, as well as download the microSD card and SIM card.
Because both of them have become the identity of the wearer, for the sake of privacy do not give it as a bonus to the buyer of our smartphone.

Do not be handsomely rewarded for your smartphone, then you give a bonus in the form of SD card you've ever used before though it was empty. You'd better save it, because we will never know what he would do.

Likewise, although the SIM card was obtained for bundling, but you've already register on your behalf. in order to maintain the privacy and security you are advised to not leave the SD card or SIM card to prospective smartphone buyers.
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