10 Most Downloaded applications during that period on Google Play

company engaged in the research and analysis of industry data applications. The report contains among others 10 most downloaded applications of all time in Google Play. From the report it uncovered four applications Facebook Inc. topped the list of most downloaded apps. The fourth application is Facebook, WhatsApp Messenger, Facebook Messenger, and Instagram.

Then Clean Master occupies the 5th position, followed by Skype and Line perched at position 6 and 7. The position-8, and 9 respectively occupied by Viber and Twitter.

10 Most Downloaded applications during that period on Google Play

What is interesting here is the 10th position occupied by applications that may seem trivial, but it is very helpful to many people: Flashlight by Surpax. This application allows users to 'juggle' smartphone camera flash lights, becomes a flashlight.

Among 10 such applications, it seems clear 5-messaging app to dominate (WhatsApp Messenger, Facebook Messenger, Skype, Line and Viber), followed by social networking applications with three applications (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter), as well as utility application with 2 applications (Clean Master and Flashlight by Surpax).

Another fact is, all of the above applications launched in 2011 and 2012. They have accumulated a base of users worldwide in large quantities.

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