Fact Advertising Can Suck your Quota Up to 80%

Advertisement that are in across the internet is quite annoying. In addition to losing sensation in enjoying content in cyberspace, too massive advertising can also spoil the aesthetics of the layout of a website.

But not only that factor alone makes the ad into an enemy for some people on the internet. It turned out that the ad also proved to suck up internet quota significantly.

 Advertising Can Suck Up to 79% Quota Internet

Analysis conducted by Enders Analyisis claimed that the ads that have been perched on news websites have a considerable impact on the depletion quota of internet users.

From small-scale experimental results by testing eight popular news website using a browser that mimics the browser of the iPhone 6. That study mengkomparasi try loading a website when no Ad-Blocker, with Ad-Blocker, and with Ad-Blocker following JavaScript is turned off.

The results of the experiment comparison and generates the following statistics

We can see that the website along with the ad load will make the load time of the site becomes longer and also requires a larger quota. Estimates reach 18% to 79% greater, than when a website is loaded when the Ad-Blocker lit.

Not Just a Website, Game also seize Quota No Somewhat

A telecommunications company based in Israel that Shine also has a statement that is not much different from Enders Analysis. They even tested the use of quotas to a game in which to show Advertisement.

The result is beyond expectations. During the exercise of the game, the game can absorb up to 5MB of data only for about an ad. When the ad was discontinued using Ad-Blocker, it is known that the game requires only 50KB even just to communicate between applications with the server.

Shine judging that the savings of Internet data is important considering the impact on the two sides, both the user side and the provider side of telecommunications facilities.

How to Prevent Tersedotnya Due quota rent?

Advertising is very necessary for companies to market their products. Therefore, the use of Ad-Blocker as a solution is still a matter of controversy because on the one hand, the rights of users but on the other hand can turn off the advertising business in cyberspace.

But do not worry, we have tips that you can use to keep saving quota, but still be able to show ads to support the campaign conducted by certain products.

  • For you especially Android-based smartphone users, you can try to save the data application compression  quota. Applications such as Opera Max rated highly potent in suppressing the use of quotas to swell.

Opera max - Data Saving 1.6.26
Browser by Opera Software

  • Always use a WiFi connection when it is actually in sektiar you. It is important to prevent unused / depletion data quota for unintended purposes. (See also: 3 Application For Finding a WiFi Hotspot Anytime, Anywhere)

Technology companies like Google and Facebook now has instilled new features to the product. Google now has Google AMP and Facebook have Instant Article which can display the article on a website without having to load the website in full. It is considered to suppress ter-load its data unnecessary and consuming quota.
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