Easy Ways to Overcome the Dead Smartphone

Smartphones are vulnerable to damage electronic items. Could be due to manufacturing defects, negligence or user errors such as a fall or hit the water, and since worn away by age.

If you have problems Android smartphone that suddenly will not power on or shuts it down, do not panic! Your smartphone is not necessarily broken, sometimes you just have to do some specific tricks to turn yours.

Easy Ways to Overcome the Dead Android Smartphone Total

1. Charge your Smartphone

Easy Ways to Overcome the Dead Smartphone

Since manyapplications are runing sometimes we do not realize our smartphones was out of power. Moreover, if prior to sleep, the battery only 20%. When you wake up, Android smartphone is dead and will not light up when switched on.

Try to do the charging, do not immediately ignited. Leave it on for some time, so that the phone battery is charged up to about 15-20 minutes. Only after that press the power button to try turning on again, if it did not work up to the next trick.

2. Remove the battery

Easy Ways to Overcome the Dead Smartphone

Sometimes the problems experienced more serious than the first number, for example, your smartphone stuck in the boot process is relentless or because bootloop. Tricks you can do is to remove the battery. 

For batteries are integrated into the body, manufacturers usually provide a special button. To forcibly turn off the cell phone when an emergency or press the Power button a little while (20-30 seconds). By doing this, you cut off the only source of power smartphones.

3. Screen Black

Easy Ways to Overcome the Dead Smartphone

When the smartphone sedimented. Once it happens, when you turn on again smartphone vibrate but only aappears black screen. This means that your smartphone have trouble on the screen and must be brought to a service center.

4. Perform Factory Reset Recovery Mode

Easy Ways to Overcome the Dead Smartphone

If your smartphone sometimes flame, sometimes get caught up in the boot or flame and then die again. Perhaps the problem lies in the software, it can happen after you perform an Android update to a new version or use a custom ROM and do some system tweaks.

To resolve this problem, you should try to do a factory reset through a recovery mode that will erase all data on the phone and again just like new. Make sure you've backed up the important data, this method should be done if a smartphone is already unstable.

5. Maybe Indeed Damaged

Easy Ways to Overcome the Dead Smartphone

Should the above tricks can make your smartphone will be back to normal. If there is something wrong or maybe still is not lit, your smartphone may be problematic hardware or damaged. If the warranty still you should consider a warranty claim to a service center or buy a new smartphone / used if it is not a warranty and repair costs are too expensive.
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