IPhone Battery Saving Tips

Technological sophistication makes one seems to be difficult to live without their gadgets salty, iPhone is no exception.

However, what happens when the iPhone started to run out of battery power low, but the charger left behind?

1. Lower the brightness or the brightness of your iPhone screen. Therefore, the brighter the pixels on the screen could be consuming more battery power. Do not forget to turn off auto-brightness display of your phone.

2. Turn off data access. One of the things that can drain the battery power capacity of the iPhone is active internet network. To save battery make sure to turn off data access and Wi-Fi, if it is not used.

One aspect that should be taken to ensure that the smartphone battery longevity is the quality of the charger.

3. If you are in there is no phone signal, better enable Airplane mode so that the phone does not automatically search for signals. Otherwise, your iPhone will work hard to find the signal while spending your phone battery.

4. To save iPhone battery, stop the push notification is not necessary. How, go to Settings, Notification Center to stop notifications you do not need.

5. Turn off bluetooth connected to speakers, headphones, or other accessories.

6. Close all applications, so performance in the background stops. The trick, tap twice on the home button and swipe until nothing was left.

7. If you have an iPhone iOS 7, there are interactive wallpaper option. Because it is spent batteries, the better off.

8. Avoid using the camera application or other photo applications until your iPhone is connected to the mains power.
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