4 of 5 World's Most Expensive Brand Originated from Technology Company

4 of 5 World's Most Expensive Brand Originated from Technology Company

Four of the five most expensive brands in the world in 2016 is derived from technology companies. It is known based on the survey conducted by research agency BrandZ and Millward Brown in 2016.

10 In recent years the value of the top 100 brands rose by 133%. This value is calculated based on financial calculations, include the revenue and profitability are compiled by a survey on how consumers value the brand.

Mentioned, nothing has changed compared to a few decades ago. Previously, customers will remain loyal to buy the same brand for many years. However, this is not for the millennial generation who want to always try a variety of different brands.

In 2006, when BRANZ first announced the most expensive brands, the top five brands from various sectors. Some of these are Microsoft (technology), GE (industrial conglomerate), Coca-Cola (soda), China Mobile (telecom), and Marlboro (cigarettes).

Along with the growing world of digital communication, technology companies dominate the top. Four of the five most expensive brands come from technology companies.

what that? The world's most expensive brands are Google with a value of US $ 229 billion valuation. The second order of most expensive brand in the world occupied by Apple with a valuation of US $ 228 billion.

In third place was Microsoft with a valuation of US $ 122 billion and the fifth is Facebook with a valuation of US $ 103 billion.

While the most expensive brands occupied the number four by BRANZ telecommunications company AT & T with a value of US $ 107 billion valuation.

Head of Valuation BRANZ Millward Brown Elspeth Cheung said the previous 10 most expensive brands in the world dominated by consumer goods company. But now dominated by technology companies.

He said, now, consumers began to lose the loyalty to the brand. "Therefore, the company had to change its marketing strategy by using a digital method that has now been shown to increase the value of technology brands," he said.

Furthermore, Cheung explained, those born in the digital age can access information easily and change brands which he interesting. Thus, companies should try to reach consumers with digital methods, one of which is social media.
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